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enFocus Experience Code Works. enFocus Experience Code Works.

enFocus Interns share the Impact of enFocus

Over the course of the summer, our internship cohort has contributed more than 7,000 hours worth of innovation to the South Bend-Elkhart region. Amongst the interns, these hours make them one step closer to a career of their own design. Whether it’s further qualification, or testing the waters of a specific work sector, our interns are sure to be making progress toward their long-term goals.

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enFocus Experience Code Works. enFocus Experience Code Works.

Damiya Studies Economics to Develop Compassionate Communities

At a pivotal time in my secondary education, I had to make the choice of what subjects I would study in the last 2 years of school. The subjects I would choose would open doors to higher education in college, and eventually a career. On the other hand, the subjects I didn’t choose would mean hammering the last nail in the coffin for other subject streams.

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enFocus Experience Code Works. enFocus Experience Code Works.

Overpower Gore Finds a Fulfilling Career at enFocus

In January of 2017, I was beyond excited to start my international journey in the Kingdom of Eswatini where I was participating in the International Baccalaureate Diploma. It was a two-year program that developed leadership skills by teaching students how to use education to unite people, nations, and cultures for peace and a sustainable future. After a rewarding two-years, I graduated with a Bilingual International Baccalaureate Diploma, and I took a gap year to share the knowledge and experiences I gained with my peers in my hometown Mutare, Zimbabwe.

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enFocus Experience Code Works. enFocus Experience Code Works.

Reflecting on the Past, Alayna Looks Forward to Making an Impact in the Region

The tree line blurred as her eyes became unfocused. Shaking her head, she glanced back at her computer. She had been reflecting on her hometown: South Bend, IN.

She wondered what her past self would think of where she had landed. Her past self had thought she would be a professor considering her degrees from Bethel University (IN) were in Biblical Studies and Philosophy.

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enFocus Experience Code Works. enFocus Experience Code Works.

Will Schwartz brings Worldly Experiences to South Bend

In the summer of 2017, I realized working a desk job left me wanting more, it’s not something I wanted to do for the rest of my life. I needed to take a step back, figure out how to reevaluate my life and discover what I’m truly passionate about and what I want to accomplish. My next decision fell in line with my all or nothing attitude towards life.

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enFocus Experience Code Works. enFocus Experience Code Works.

Bradley Kauffman brings "Voices Together" in the South Bend-Elkhart Region

My professional journey began with a phone call. When I was 10 years old, I phoned my local bicycle shop to help troubleshoot a problem: the brakes on my vintage Schwinn were not working properly. With the shop owner’s verbal guidance, I removed the faulty part, procured a replacement, and successfully completed the repair. A short time later, the bike shop owner reached out to my parents, inquiring whether I might want to apprentice as a mechanic.

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enFocus Experience Code Works. enFocus Experience Code Works.

Egla Chooses to be the Change in the South Bend-Elkhart Region

The Greek philosopher Heraclitus once said, “change is the only constant in life.” I didn’t think much of it at first, but those words perfectly describe my life over the past few years.

After finishing my Master of Social Work in Italy, I had a job offer to work as a therapist in Rome. That was my dream job in the city I love the most, and a only two-hour flight from my home country, Albania.

Perfect, right?

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enFocus Experience Code Works. enFocus Experience Code Works.

Ambrose Dedicates His Life to Making Others' Lives Better

I was an unplanned child, born from two teens just starting middle school in Kamuli–one of the most rural districts of Eastern Uganda in Africa.

Mum and Dad came from low-income families that couldn't support their continued education and pregnancy at the same time; they had to drop out of school and part ways. I was raised by my beloved grandparents who never went to school, rural peasant farmers whose only dream was to see me succeed in life.

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