Our Team Drives Innovation
in the South Bend - Elkhart region
Matt Barker
Project Manager
Batsanaa Batchuluun
Innovation Fellow
Diogo Batista
Senior Operations
Research Analyst -
Mike Bogdan
Director of Learning
and Development -
Egla Bregu
Senior Fellow
Carlos Centellas
Citywide Classroom Coordinator
Megan Dale
Civic Project Director
Allison D'Ambrosia
Project Manager
Melissa Douhan
Vice President of Programs
Nick Dybas
Innovation Fellow
Ryan Eilts
Innovation Fellow
Alicia Einfalt
Regional Internship Manager
Brian Exner
Innovation Fellow
Nicole Fry
Innovation Fellow
Kage Haeck
Project Operations Coordinator
Louis Holbrook
Program Coordinator
Jon Huber
Innovation Fellow
Gladys Jordana
Innovation Fellow
Bradley Kauffman
Project Manager
Amy Lee
Project Engineer
Roseanna Lemrow
Innovation Fellow
Bingjie Liu
Innovation Fellow
Skye Liu
Innovation Fellow
James Luk
Innovation Fellow
Kartik Maheshwari
Project Manager
Ananya Mangla
Innovation Fellow
Mia McDermott
Innovation Fellow
Michael McHugh
Innovation Fellow
Joseph McKeirnan
Innovation Fellow
Anna McVay
Senior Fellow
Blessing Mene
Director of Entrepreneurship
Ashwin Mitra
Senior Fellow
Abey Noble
Innovation Fellow
Calla Norman
Digital Communications Fellow
Sarah Ochocki
Innovation Fellow
Akash Praharaj
Project Manager
Lauren Richardson
Content Marketing Specialist
Caitlin Sears
Project Manager
Alexis Serbak
Senior Fellow
Gillian Shaw
Vice President of Projects
Ayush Sindhwani
Innovation Fellow
Shirene Singh
Innovation Fellow
Lisa Slomka
Senior Fellow
Prabodh Sonalkar
Mechanical Engineer
Jody Suryatna
Project Manager
Maria Tice
Administrative Assistant
Shivangi Tiwari
Financial Analyst
Alex Topalovic
Management Analyst
Donavan Tshuma
Innovation Fellow
Walker Tuff
Innovation Fellow
Danielle Tutak
Innovation Fellow
Swara Vaidya
Innovation Fellow
Sheldon Varghese
Innovation Fellow
Alexia Velazquez
Innovation Fellow
Andrew Wiand