Andrew Wiand
Andrew Wiand holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Biological Sciences and a Master’s Degree from the Engineering, Science, Technology and Entrepreneurship Master’s Program (ESTEEM) from the University of Notre Dame.
Andrew co-founded enFocus in May of 2012 as a student working with a group of community and business leaders and was hired as one of the first class of Fellows. Andrew went on to hold positions such as Senior Fellow Project Manager in 2013 and Director of Operations is 2014. In early 2015, Andrew was hired as enFocus Executive Director, charged with guiding the organization's growth and business strategy. Andrew has led the continued growth of the program across three Indiana communities and has managed the completion of over 250 business, technology and entrepreneurial projects for over 90 regional organizations. Along the way, Andrew led the development and implementation of two significant Lilly Endowment gifts that have catalyzed and supported the growth of the model.
enFocus projects have created over $100 million in business value for sponsoring entities and have attracted over 1,000 students and recent graduates to work at enFocus, with over 73% of Innovation Fellows finding employment in the region after their Fellowship. Andrew is also a proud father of two boys (Ethan and Aidan) with his partner Kristin. He enjoys playing cello and not working too much.