Batsanaa Batchuluun

Innovation Fellow

Originally from Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, Batsanaa came to the U.S to pursue graduate studies at Duke University, where she was admitted as a Nicholas Scholar to their School of the Environment. But, her commitment to serving her community and the environment began long before then.

Shortly after college, Batsanaa was offered an opportunity to work in a mining sector in Mongolia, which is the highest paying sector in the country. Instead, she chose to work for green banking, facilitating financing for clean heating solutions and insulation retrofit for underserved communities. This decision helped Batsanaa see clearly that serving others to reach their goals is the most rewarding work for her. 

Batsanaa worked in the sustainable financing field for almost 10 years as a Senior Sustainable Finance Specialist in a Mongolian commercial bank, XacBank, before heading to graduate school in the U.S.  XacBank is an accredited entity of the Green Climate fund, one of the biggest climate funds in the world. While there she launched a number of Eco loan programs, which were new to the Mongolian market. As a result of Batsanaa’s key leadership in these loan programs, there was a reduction in almost 2.1 million tCO2 eq since 2013.

According to Batsanaa, “the mission and vision of enFocus perfectly aligns with my personal values. I am particularly excited about the opportunity to leverage my professional experience and academic knowledge to assist with projects and help communities achieve their sustainability goals”.

Batsanna works to find a win-win solution for every problem because she believes these solutions are the most sustainable. Thus, she is  interested in working on projects that create positive impacts both economically and environmentally. In particular, she is passionate about initiatives involving renewable energy, energy efficiency, forestry, carbon financing, and sustainable development.