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enFocus Experience Code Works. enFocus Experience Code Works.

Elijah Stays Home to Make an Impact in the South Bend - Elkhart Region

Growing up in South Bend, it always seemed like my peers were counting down the days until they could leave – for college, for jobs, or even for military service. For many, success was measured in how many East Coast schools offered admission, or how far away from Michiana a job would take them. I, too, did my fair share of exploring opportunities outside the region, but something always kept me rooted at home. The sense of possibility and genuine civic pride in the wake of the region’s revitalization over the past ten-plus years definitely played a big role in my formative years, and kept me invested in the community’s success.

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enFocus Experience Code Works. enFocus Experience Code Works.

DataCamp Training Helps Fellows Drive Decisions with Data

From education to healthcare and supply chain management to process improvement, enFocus Fellows lead projects across sectors. While each project presents its own challenges and opportunities, one thing is common: data. Fellows collect, clean, or analyze data for nearly every project. The insights gained from this data allows our team to make and implement changes to drive impact in the region, save organizations time and money, make processes more efficient, and work to build stronger communities.

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enFocus Experience Code Works. enFocus Experience Code Works.

Celine Acts on Her Passion Through enFocus

Most children grow up with a burning passion to hold a particular occupation or to achieve something amazing with their lives. My friends knew from a young age what they wanted to be in the future: doctors, scientists, or–as is the case of one friend, even a dinosaur. As crazy as their ideas were, they knew who they wanted to be and what they wanted to achieve with their lives.

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enFocus Experience Code Works. enFocus Experience Code Works.

Eliana Fights the Digital Divide

A teacher points to the blackboard and asks emphatically: “What is an email?”. She wants her students to answer using Jakobson’s communication model, a topic they just learned in class. On the other side of the classroom, four of the eight students who attend La Ciénaga, a rural school on the border between Argentina and Bolivia, were trying to draw the “@” symbol on their notebooks.

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